Directed by: Zelda Williams 
Written By: Diablo Cody
Cinematography: Paula Huidobro 
Editor: Brad Turner

Cast: Kathryn Newton, Cole Spouse, Liza Soberano, Joey Harris, Carla Gugino, Charlie Talbert, Henry Eikenberry, Bryce Romero, Joey Chrest 

A coming of RAGE love story about a teenager and her crush, who happens to be a corpse. After a set of horrific circumstances bring him back to life, the two embark on a journey to find love, happiness – and a few missing body parts.

The film offers an original vision. That proves itself more than just stylish it actually has depth. So that in itself it is like a teenager or the mentality and mood of one.

It’s as if Tim Burton made a teenage girl film As it fits into his style and type of character, but not as much on a grand scale. Which makes you end up liking it more than I expected to. 

The film feels definitely like an 80s film and when they mentioned later in the film that the year 1989 it fits perfectly wish it had come out at that time though this also works as a kind of nostalgic throwback. While it’s set in suburbia the film also achieves making its own world that seems separate yet so close to our own with a lot more color coding. That calls to mind screenwriter Diablo Cody’s previous film JENNIFER’S BODY 

Very camping at times over the top, but yet has an odd comfort level to it all.It’s a good film for its target audience that actually fits even at times when it can be risky 

As at times it’s Right on the precipice of macabre strangely, it works and has its own innocence. At Times it can feel like a wacky comedy, but also fits in with the Heathers crowd the PG-13, it is a little risque 

even for its more violent and even some sexual scenes, it’s a little bit more suggested and creative in the ways that it presents it that are not exploited, but actually seem more creative at times. This feels like a rather expensive student film, though that is what is part of its charm and luckily written by Diablo Cody, making a comeback 

This is Zelda Williams making her directorial debut, and it feels that way, but it gets stronger and more focused as it goes along 

It’s a love story, at heart where all the feelings seem misdirected towards what you view as your ideal and are blinded to their red flags and the people who actually care about you and love you. You take for granted or fail To see the obvious.

Katheryn Newton is winning as the lead character with all of her issues and psychosis, yet is sweet, crazy, and hilarious.

This is one twisted film in romance whose wavelength works totally fits


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