Written & Directed By: Noah Segan

Cinematography: Andrew Baird 

Editor: Patrick Lawrence

Cast: Noah Segan, Victoria Moroles, Akasha Villalobos, C.L. Simpson, Tracie Thomas, Doug Benson, Ammie Masterson, Jones Proudstar, Josh Ruben 

A vampire’s loner lifestyle is thrown into disarray when a teenager shows up claiming to be his daughter, and she’s got the fangs to prove it. On a road trip across America’s blacktops, they decide how to sink their teeth into family life.

This film is more comedy with horror movie or monster movie elements.

As it tries to stay in a certain reality, showing the modern-day problems with being a vampire, and just generally getting older, it also opens up the world for other supernatural mysteries, while dealing with its own central father-daughter storyline.

Dealing with the clips of what might be your own life for being the center of it and having to sacrifice for another.

As the film is built more around the character’s relationship with one another and find little adventures or distractions for them to go on to strengthen their bond and test their limits.

Nice to see Victoria Moroles in another film after she was so memorable in the comedy PLAN B 

Here she is in another comedy, and while not as distinct, she definitely is memorable as she is pretty much like that film star here, With a different look.

This is star, Noah Segen’s feature film, directorial debut and it’s not bad. It’s a cute little film that places character over story, plot, action, or visuals and by the end, it feels like a good time though not necessarily special it does have its own voice.

It’s a film with steaks where not too much happens and feels kind of laid-back. It’s cute to spend some time with though it will certainly not rock your world.

Grade: C+

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