BROS (2022)

Directed By: Nicholas Stoller 
Written By: Billy Eichner and Nicholas Stoller 
Cinematography: Brandon Trost 
Editor: Daniel Gabbe 

Cast: Billy Eichner, Luke Macfarlane, Amanda Bearse, Guy Branum, Miss Lawrence, TS Madison, Dot Marie Jones, Jim Rash, Bowen Yang, Eve Lindley, Monica Raymond, Guillermo Diaz, Jai Rodriguez, Debra Messing 

Two men with commitment problems attempt a relationship.

This is a Film where it never quite decides on its toll whether it’s going to be over a top wacky, romantic, romantic comedy so it always feels shaky even if it’s construction. Which leads to it being slightly disappointing.

It seems to live or die on its jokes much work a few more times than that but it still doesn’t quite feel like enough.

Star & Co-Screenwriter, Billy Eichner Tones down his usual personality it offers more of a full-fledged performance that still has hints of his Comedic gifts.

It’s in that is a mainstream, romantic comedy that is more about LGBTQ characters, but it also is obviously aimed at that audience while being open to the more curious mainstream and also trying to paint all relationships as the same though it still might be a little too hardcore for those who still feel uneasy with this type of material, I am happy that the film was made 

No, it seems more aimed at comedy, than romance. As it tries to cover a lot of ground and seems to be more of a kind of statement in the presentation than having a strong story maybe because it is a romantic comedy, we’ve kind of seen this type of story before only now with two men in love and trying to make a relationship work work

One wishes it was stronger or made more of a debt, but it feels somewhat forgettable and light no matter how down and dirty it might get at times 

Can you just come out expecting more of it and from it no, it’s perfectly fine. I was just looking for a romantic comedy and something to entertain so it seems to aspire for a bit more. 

Happy that it goes there in sex scenes and doesn’t be calm more of a before and after let’s just sail over scenes that might make some uncomfortable.

Maybe as the humor always seems the writing seems more sitcom-ish than actually creating a movie or screen story.

He throws a lot of jokes out to see which sticks and what at times feels more spoofish. The film has a strange rhythm but still works. It’s hit or miss but still funny.

Only the main characters actually feel like real characters the rest feel more like setups, for situations and scenes, or more like personality types instead of characters. Though you constantly want to see more of them. 

One can give the film credit as one of the first of its kind really that is released by a  major studio and released as a mainstream movie.

The film might be made for a certain audience but is inclusive and wants others who would typically avoid it to give it a chance which they should. As it does, stay joyful and energetic throughout.

Grade: C+

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