Directed By: Julie Davis

Written By: Dan Bucatinsky 

Cinematography: Goran Pavicevic 

Editor: Glenn Garland and Mark Morrisey 

Cast: Dan Bucatinsky, Richard Ruccolo, Adam Goldberg, Sasha Alexander, Lisa Kudrow, Andrea Martin, Joanna Kerns, Christina Ricci, Michael Harris, Doris Roberts

While the flame of Jackie and Brett’s attraction intensifies, Eli and Tom, the unlikely pair they attempt to bring together, appear destined to spiral out of love rather than make any sort of progress toward becoming a genuine couple.

I can remember seeing bits and pieces of this film before I don’t know if I’ve ever watched it from beginning to end, but now that I have watched it from beginning to end, I have quite a few thoughts and things to say

The way this film is edited for some odd reason. The cuts seem to be perfectly made for a TV movie, which shows you how deep the film gets.

This is ironic, considering this is a gay romantic comedy that has a couple in it that I am guessing helps certain audience, members or allies feel a bit more comfortable in the film or seems to want to parity or be irony of how gay relationships are in straight, romantic comedies where they’re given Very little to do except either be support Relief or help set up the main couple and get them back together in general.

Hear the Straights portrayed by Sasha Alexander and Adam Goldberg feels so predictable in their own way and stereotypical playing the straights or the street best friends of the couple at the heart of it seems to be intentional

This film is filled with irony as it either condemns or criticizes, other gay romantic comedies at the time that are more mainstream while itself being kind of light when it comes to the material that at least gets deeper into the characterization and sex lives of its gay characters 

Maybe, because it takes place in Los Angeles major city it seems like none of the films is all that controversial everybody accepts everybody for who they are. There is no prejudice, which is nice as it has a positive supportive message while working that is obviously taking place in the 90s, maybe early 2000s and all of the culture of that time is on full display if it had been made modern-day and at that time it would be accused of over saturation of a time. Because this is totally a time capsule, including the leads and the situation they find themselves in OK because it’s supposed to be a comedy so it works within the perimeters. It doesn’t get too deep, but it is entertaining for what it is.

No color whatsoever like an Ally ship movie it’s written and produced by its star Dan Bucatinsky and a lot of the big-name members seem there to help fill out the cast list, but obviously seem here more for support or doing a favor someone associated with the film because it’s their roles are pretty much cameos as they are not too much to shine in except for maybe Lisa Kudrow And Andrea Martin, who seems to can’t help but be funny when she’s in a film or show, though she has a big role that most of the other big names and she ends up being the most memorable part of the movie. S they get the best material. Especially Doris Roberts’s monologue near the end 

No, I am highly critical of the movie watching it through modernize. I’m sure at the time it made its Mark as it was one of the few mainstream, independent gay romantic films back when that was still considered either controversial taboo or strictly for the art housing oh, how the times come, even though the material feel so basic.

The only depth of the film seems to be in one character’s alcoholism, which is more dealt with in the background, than as a major part of the film.

Not to mention a bit of top culture in the form of the Planet of the apes obsession, which gives it a kind of Tarantino tint, and also just helps the geek culture

What are the problems with this film? Is that one character seems to of course, be the more manly and messed up character from years of alcoholism and his family, and not getting along with his parents, or as the other one more uptight, even though his parents have been nothing but supportive, and this is the usual character type in romantic movies, everybody, obviously everybody has a reason for why they are who they are but yet, once a couple seem to be attracted to each other and their basic personalities or even at their worst, but must go through before they can be happily together, which is probably the truest part of these films. 

look everyone deserves love, but it’s not that interesting watching too such bland characters. Take their time and finally come together and get their issues in order to try and accept love and have a romance. it seems like you’re asking for much with this film and maybe it’s just me. I just really found these characters not that interesting.

The film offers no real surprises, but at least it’s fun

Grade: C+

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